Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Soul To Take

My soul to take is your typical thriller movie. When reading the description on Redbox, I thought I had the movie completely figured out. A serial killer known as the "Riverton Ripper" was a schizo with seven different personalities. He murdered multiple people and his pregnant wife before he was caught by the police. Once he was in the ambulance, he escaped and his body was never found. That night, seven children were welcomed into the great town of Riverton. The movie truly begins sixteen years later and the seven children's birthday. It is tradition to go to the river at midnight and kill a puppet ripper. Supposedly this traps his spirit in the river so that he can't gain his revenge on the town. Adam "Bug" Heller has the honor of taking down the ripper puppet this year. The police come and interrupt the event and the ripper puppet isn't put into the river. According to tradition, this will be the year that the ripper will return. Jay, one of the seven, has to cross the river to get home. While on the bridge he is attacked and becomes the first to die. That day at school, you learn more about the children. About their roles in school and how they feel about the "curse" everyone in town believes that they have. The towns people believe that each child contains a part of the rippers soul and that one of them contains his evil personality. Penelope is a God-loving child. She prays constantly and has a very close relationship with God. He warns her that her time is coming and she becomes prepared for the day ahead of her. She is the second to die. After her death Brittany, the popular blonde, and her "boy friend?", Brandon, are killed in the woods. This leaves only Bug, Alex, and Jerome to be the potential killers. From the very first five minutes of the movie I was completely convinced that Bug was the killer. He is in fact the son of the ripper and he sees his friends and also takes their personalities after they die. Though it wasn't clarified, I believe that he was also a schizo. In the end, Jerome dies and it is discovered that Alex contains the "evil spirit" of the ripper. Bug, though he is Alex's best friend, has to stab him and becomes the town hero. The movie ends with Bug saying that he doesn't feel like a hero at all but he takes the role so that the town will feel truly safe for the first time in sixteen years.

Runtime: 1 hour 47 minutes
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Rated: R
Director: Wes Craven
For rentals: http://www.redbox.com/movies/my-soul-to-take

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