Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Never Say Never ... and i will never go.

Though I refuse to go see this movie, the fans (probably 10 year old girls) have rated this movie off the charts. Justin Bieber became famous via youtube as a young child. His voice spread across America as fast as lightning until Usher himself discovered Bieber's talent. "Everyone involved in “Never Say Never” is working overtime to prove that he is, as one of them puts it, 'just a regular kid who had a dream,' while everything about the movie screams the opposite," critic Mike Hale of the New York Times said. Maybe Justin is being in get his own Bieber fever.
My suggestion is that anyone over the age of 12 who doesn't enjoy spending $10.50 (or more for 3D) to see a drawn out boring movie shouldn't waste their time. Critics said that this movie would've been a lot better if it ended a half hour or so short of its 105 minute length.
When Justin Bieber actually looks his age it might be considered acceptable for high schoolers to crush on him. Maybe then his voice will be deeper then his girlfriends.
Director Jon M. Chu did the best that he could. He interviewed fans, showed home videos, introduced other celebrities, and put on a fantastic concert. Critics raved at his success and great attempt at making this movie sensational. Hopefully his next movie will be for children over age 13 and have a plot worth following.

Movie Information:
Opened: February 11, 2011
Rated: G
Runtime: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Cast: Justin Bieber
Director: Jon M. Chu
Genre: Documentary
For Showtimes and Tickets: http://www.fandango.com/justinbieber:neversaynever_137616/movietimes