Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lincoln Lawyer

I finally got to go see this movie! It was amazing! Matthew McConaughey's role as a criminal defense attorney is quite possibly the performance of his career. Mickey Haller (McConaughey) is a bottom feeder attorney whose office is in the back of a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car. He barely makes enough money to support his family and decides to represent Louis Roulet for a large chunk of money. Roulet is being accused of rape and murder and he claims to be innocent. During the chess match between Haller and Roulet, Mickey discovers that his client is also guilty of a crime that Michael Pena (a previous client) is serving time for. Haller decides to free his previous client, but how can he do that without breaking privileges with Roulet? The cast of this movie is outstanding and definitely makes it appealing to numerous age groups. Fans of McConaughey hope that he continues to participate in the drama scene and forget his mediocre roles in romantic comedies. Fans of Michael Connelly are begging that more of his addicting crime novels hit the big screen. It is encouraged that older moviegoers attend a screening of this movie. One might get a glimpse of what an impact this movie would have had back in the 60s. Brad Furman directed this movie with tons a style. He adds drama and enough twists to make the movie into a trio. This movie was totally worth the $10.50 at Crocker Park; I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt!

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