Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Source Code

Source code has a plot that is mind-bending and at times very confusing. If it wasn't for a very good and determined cast, this movie would be as good as dirt. Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farminga, and Jeffery Wright are the lead roles. They are really all the movie has. Like the movie Groundhog Day, Colter Stevens (Gyllenhaal) is forced to relive eight minutes repetitively for the entire movie. The action begins on a train. Stevens is sitting across from a woman who is calling him Sean. When he looks in the mirror he doesn't see his reflection, instead it is the reflection of Sean. The train explodes and within minutes Stevens finds himself in space speaking to his military handler, Capt. Goodwin (Farminga). "Source Code" is a process by which Stevens can consume others' identities for the last eight minutes of his life. He is not able to change the past or the fact that the train crashed. Stevens' mission is to find the bomber before he plants a bomb in Chicago.
Yes, the movie is repetitive. How can a 93 minute movie not be if the entire plot takes place in 8 minutes? To many peoples relief director Duncan Jones does a fantastic job creating variations to the theme. Instead of becoming dull and tedious, the suspense grows as viewer wonder what Stevens will do next.
Gyllenhaal committed to the role of Stevens before Jones even committed as Director of the film. He does a great job getting into character and truly makes the movie believable. He brings passion and a little romance into the movie.
Though at some points the movie was confusing, I would consider it a success. It is definitely better than other movies with repetitive scenes.. a.k.a. Déjà vu.