Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Evolution of My Chipotle Order

I decided to write this post today as I was standing in a ridiculously long line for Chipotle. Luckily, they hooked me up so the line was worth it. 

Chipotle has a very special place in my heart. It consistently brings me joy and a full belly. Anyways here's the history:

My first Chipotle order as a young, unsophisticated woman was simple and bland. I typically requested a veggie bowl with white rice, black beans, mild salsa, corn salsa, cheese, and lettuce. I NEVER got a burrito because the tortilla alone is 300 calories. Also one time I did try a burrito and it was so weird.. half of it was warm and the other half was cold and nothing was mixed up. It was all wrong. I had a brief thought that maybe I could ask them to mix the ingredients up before they wrapped the burrito but let's be honest, they usually aren't rocket scientists and a bowl lets me mix my food to my own satisfaction.

My second Chipotle order started as a sophomore in college. I was working at DuBois Bookstore at University of Cincinnati and to my great pleasure we shared a parking lot with a Chipotle... I went almost EVERYDAY I worked. To the point that my food became free - best and worst days of my life but that’s a whole other story. At this point, I was really strict about my diet and trying to be a skinny-mini so I just got a cheese quesadilla with a side of the green salsa and sour cream. Also up until this point in my life, I had convinced myself that I wouldn’t like sour cream.. I had a weird thing about eating things that were white (that also included mayo and ranch). Well I was really stupid because sour cream is AMAZING. I would eat it with a spoon if it was socially acceptable (like only a few bites but still I would).

It didn’t take long before I started eating like a normal human being again and went back to my burrito bowl order. However, this time around I would get a side of three soft flour taco shells) and obviously sour cream. The taco shells were a huge revelation. I always felt that if you just ordered the tacos you would get less food but if I get a bowl and make my own tacos, I ALWAYS have leftovers - which I typically eat for breakfast the next day, it’s amazing you should try it. I also started getting brown rice instead of white rice because come on, I was like 21 or something - Adulting for sure. 

As time went on, I began to itch for another change in my order. I just wanted to feel like I was getting my money’s worth. I also developed a love for spicy food. Somewhere between my sophomore and junior year of college my tastebuds changed which was really cool. It affected a lot more than my chipotle order but that’s beside the point. I decided that I wanted to get ALL FOUR salsas in my bowl and OMG.. if you’re not doing this already I highly recommend it. So many flavors and mind-numbing satisfaction. Wow! I’ve never been the same. However, sometimes the server people will give you like 1/4 of the normal salsa serving for each of the salsas and you end up with like 2 drops of the green salsa, 1 drop of the red salsa and a fuck ton of tomatoes. They don't get that all four salsas means you actually want to be able to TASTE all four of the salsas.. so you just need to ask nicely for more or roll your eyes and hope that next time will be better (I usually do the second of course).

Sometime afterward, I got into the vinaigrette. This was a cool phase because of course the vinaigrette is amazing but it didn’t last long. Side note, I just learned the proper way to spell vinaigrette.. what a cool word. This phase didn't last very long because my stupid ex made a comment about how it wasn't that great and subliminally changed my mind into thinking it wasn't worth getting. I'm gonna have to start getting that delicious vinaigrette again - revelation.

In 2014, Chipotle started serving sofritas but it took me awhile to add this into my order. They were all covered in seasoning and I felt like it made the sour cream taste less fresh if they mixed. It just weirded me out but eventually, I sucked it up and started ordering sofritas so I had some attempt at protein added into my diet.

In Milwaukee, WI I tried the queso for the first and ONLY time. Like what the hell... they really dropped the ball on that one. I was really counting on them too. I love queso; I would seriously consider bathing in queso one time - but NEVER the Chipotle queso. It has the absolute strangest texture and weird powdery taste. BLECH! So god awful. I really hope the consider changing that in a few years.

I must say that nothing pairs better with the perfect Chipotle bowl than a Grapefruit Izze. It not only has 2.5 servings of fruit, but also the perfect, light fizziness everyone needs with a taco. And don't forget, chipotle only tastes perfect when you eat it with a black, plastic chipotle fork - eating chipotle with a metal fork is just weird and gross.

In conclusion, my current Chipotle order includes: A sofrita bowl, 3 soft taco shells on the side, brown rice, black beans, sofritas - obviously, ALL FOUR salsas, sour cream (sometime I even get bold and ask for more), cheese, and lettuce. 

Bonus tip: if you're ever in a relationship and get Chipotle without getting your significant other Chipotle - NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE, you are a horrible human being and deserve to be dumped. And when I say no matter what the circumstance, I don't care if they are on vacation for a week, get a gift card or something. This is the betrayal beyond all betrayals. Don't do it!

Bonus tip 2: Any hour of any day of any year I will be happy if you bring me Chipotle ♥

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bridesmaids.. for ladies only!


Sorry boys, this blog is for ladies only. Last night I went to see Bridesmaids with Dana and Jillian Strimbu. The three of us thoroughly enjoyed the movie. The main character, Annie, has a terrible life. It's sad but true ):    She has never been married, has a boyfriend who is a TOTAL jerk (I’ll explain more of that later), opened a bakery but it closed soon after, lives in an apartment with two British roommates, and hits rock bottom after thinking she was already at the bottom. The background of the story is that her best friend since childhood is getting married. Actress, Kristen Wiig, plays Annie and is asked to be the maid of honor. The bride-to-be's husband's bosses' wife (yeah that's a lot of possession), named Helen, tries to completely take over the wedding. She is thin, pretty, and filthy rich. This being said, she does as much as possible to be in control. She drugs Annie and gets her kicked off a plane and eventually gets the bride to uninvite  the maid of honor to the wedding. More about Annie, her boyfriend tells her... "This is really awkward. I want you to leave but I don't know how to say it without sounding like a complete dick." (Sorry Mr. Arra I'm just quoting). But the point is that he is a complete, well he said it himself. She gets fired from her job and shortly after she gets kicked out of her apartment. But like all chick flicks she meets a good guy that will treat her right and starts to get back on her feet. The guy is a cop, he has an accent, and he is so so so sweet. Annie and her friend make up. The wedding is amazing and everyone is happy. I also wanted to mention that there is a lot of comedy. So VERY unique comedy I must add. I don't want to spoil any of it though. This was a very good movie and it was definitely worth seeing with some girls!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer is inspired by the true story of Bethany Hamilton, a teen surfer. The movie starts off with a big build up. The viewer get introduced to the Hamilton family, and Bethany's best friend. Viewers also get to watch her compete and win her way to the regional competition. Bethany is a very social teenager. She is very self-motivated and driven to be the best surfer around. She trains everyday and is home schooled due to her training schedule. She is also very involved in a church group. After the introductions are made, there is a gruesome shark attack. I suggest that if blood makes you queasy you look away. Bethany's entire arm is removed and she nearly dies from blood loss. Not long after her release, Bethany gets right back in the water. She tries to figure out a way to stand up and maintain her balance. She trains very hard and ends up competing but she is no longer a front runner. Of course this makes her very upset and she contemplates quitting numerous times. She gives her boards away to fans and decides to go on a mission trip to help a country recover from a tsunami. While she is there she inspires the people of the city by teaching a little child to surf. This was a huge impact on Bethany because she realized that her surfing affected more than just her life. She was (and is) great enough to make a difference for others. She returned home to hundreds of letters from fans across the world. Most letters were from children who also were missing limbs. She again competed and did amazing. She caught a wave in the last seconds that would have made her win if the judges counted it. Instead she got third but to everyone in Hawaii and her competitors she was a winner. Since then she has gone on to win the National title and many other competitions. This movie was inspiring and very touching. I highly recommend going to see it!

Fandango showtimes

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lincoln Lawyer

I finally got to go see this movie! It was amazing! Matthew McConaughey's role as a criminal defense attorney is quite possibly the performance of his career. Mickey Haller (McConaughey) is a bottom feeder attorney whose office is in the back of a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car. He barely makes enough money to support his family and decides to represent Louis Roulet for a large chunk of money. Roulet is being accused of rape and murder and he claims to be innocent. During the chess match between Haller and Roulet, Mickey discovers that his client is also guilty of a crime that Michael Pena (a previous client) is serving time for. Haller decides to free his previous client, but how can he do that without breaking privileges with Roulet? The cast of this movie is outstanding and definitely makes it appealing to numerous age groups. Fans of McConaughey hope that he continues to participate in the drama scene and forget his mediocre roles in romantic comedies. Fans of Michael Connelly are begging that more of his addicting crime novels hit the big screen. It is encouraged that older moviegoers attend a screening of this movie. One might get a glimpse of what an impact this movie would have had back in the 60s. Brad Furman directed this movie with tons a style. He adds drama and enough twists to make the movie into a trio. This movie was totally worth the $10.50 at Crocker Park; I didn’t feel an ounce of guilt!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Source Code

Source code has a plot that is mind-bending and at times very confusing. If it wasn't for a very good and determined cast, this movie would be as good as dirt. Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farminga, and Jeffery Wright are the lead roles. They are really all the movie has. Like the movie Groundhog Day, Colter Stevens (Gyllenhaal) is forced to relive eight minutes repetitively for the entire movie. The action begins on a train. Stevens is sitting across from a woman who is calling him Sean. When he looks in the mirror he doesn't see his reflection, instead it is the reflection of Sean. The train explodes and within minutes Stevens finds himself in space speaking to his military handler, Capt. Goodwin (Farminga). "Source Code" is a process by which Stevens can consume others' identities for the last eight minutes of his life. He is not able to change the past or the fact that the train crashed. Stevens' mission is to find the bomber before he plants a bomb in Chicago.
Yes, the movie is repetitive. How can a 93 minute movie not be if the entire plot takes place in 8 minutes? To many peoples relief director Duncan Jones does a fantastic job creating variations to the theme. Instead of becoming dull and tedious, the suspense grows as viewer wonder what Stevens will do next.
Gyllenhaal committed to the role of Stevens before Jones even committed as Director of the film. He does a great job getting into character and truly makes the movie believable. He brings passion and a little romance into the movie.
Though at some points the movie was confusing, I would consider it a success. It is definitely better than other movies with repetitive scenes.. a.k.a. Déjà vu.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a drug that makes you.. Limitless

Limitless, starring Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro, is a very fascinating movie. It starts at the end of the movie with main character Eddie Morra standing on the ledge of a New York sky scraper ready to dive. Viewers then flashback to where his adventure began. Eddie was a bum writer. He wore raggedy clothing, had nasty hair, and a very dim social life. He runs into his ex-wife's brother on the street and they catch up at a local bar. Through conversation, the viewers learn that his friend used to be a dealer. When they part, the ex-brother-in-law hands Eddie a clear, round tablet called MDT. This substance provides access to the unused 80% of the human brain. Eddie is hesitant about taking the drug at first but he gives into the daily stresses of life and begins his addiction to MDT. In that night alone, Eddie helps a friend type a college paper, cleans his disaster of a house, and creates a rough draft of his book. The following day he attracts attention by his editor and by investing in stocks. He quickly collects millions of dollars and becomes know across New York. But many problems come his way. Between stalkers, a drug dealer, and a Wall Street millionaire, Eddie finds himself trapped in a world of lies and terror. He discovers that people who decided to stop taking the drug ended up dead or in the ICU on their death beds. In the end, Eddie Morra is off the drug because he slowly stopped taking it. He is still rich, attractive, and running for senate. Though this movie may encourage drug abuse (as long as the drug makes you smarter and more wealthy), it is very good. I would say that it is the best movie I have seen in awhile.

Movie Information:
Opened: March 18, 2011
Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 1 hour and 45 minutes
Cast: Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Abbie Cornish, Andrew Howard, Anna Friel
Director: Neil Burger
Genre: Science Fiction, Psychological Thriller, Thriller, Psychological Sci-Fi
For Showtimes and Tickets:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Soul To Take

My soul to take is your typical thriller movie. When reading the description on Redbox, I thought I had the movie completely figured out. A serial killer known as the "Riverton Ripper" was a schizo with seven different personalities. He murdered multiple people and his pregnant wife before he was caught by the police. Once he was in the ambulance, he escaped and his body was never found. That night, seven children were welcomed into the great town of Riverton. The movie truly begins sixteen years later and the seven children's birthday. It is tradition to go to the river at midnight and kill a puppet ripper. Supposedly this traps his spirit in the river so that he can't gain his revenge on the town. Adam "Bug" Heller has the honor of taking down the ripper puppet this year. The police come and interrupt the event and the ripper puppet isn't put into the river. According to tradition, this will be the year that the ripper will return. Jay, one of the seven, has to cross the river to get home. While on the bridge he is attacked and becomes the first to die. That day at school, you learn more about the children. About their roles in school and how they feel about the "curse" everyone in town believes that they have. The towns people believe that each child contains a part of the rippers soul and that one of them contains his evil personality. Penelope is a God-loving child. She prays constantly and has a very close relationship with God. He warns her that her time is coming and she becomes prepared for the day ahead of her. She is the second to die. After her death Brittany, the popular blonde, and her "boy friend?", Brandon, are killed in the woods. This leaves only Bug, Alex, and Jerome to be the potential killers. From the very first five minutes of the movie I was completely convinced that Bug was the killer. He is in fact the son of the ripper and he sees his friends and also takes their personalities after they die. Though it wasn't clarified, I believe that he was also a schizo. In the end, Jerome dies and it is discovered that Alex contains the "evil spirit" of the ripper. Bug, though he is Alex's best friend, has to stab him and becomes the town hero. The movie ends with Bug saying that he doesn't feel like a hero at all but he takes the role so that the town will feel truly safe for the first time in sixteen years.

Runtime: 1 hour 47 minutes
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Rated: R
Director: Wes Craven
For rentals: